Empower asset managers to invest their time in performance optimization, rather than techie tasks

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Make everyday tasks easier by staying focused on performance optimization

Empower your front office with one flexible platform for optimizing financial performance, visualizing risk, and streamlining operations

The world of CRE investing is fast-paced and ever-changing. When asset managers spend large portions of their day collecting and organizing data from third-party PMCs and internal teams, their attention is divided. We understand this challenge, which is why we created Data Management Services and Middle Office Services to reclaim valuable time in four distinct ways. 

4 ways Pereview’s services enable asset managers to achieve more

Standardization and consistency

Standardization and consistency

We ensure all investment transactions, from asset creation to legal entity management, are handled consistently and accurately, eliminating discrepancies

Expert administration

Expert administration

Our team manages the functional administration of your system, including workflow configuration and data validation, ensuring compliance with company and industry standards


Data governance

We maintain accurate, standardized data to support your company’s reporting needs and evolving standards

Extension of your team

Extension of your team

Acting as an extension of your team, we provide the additional bandwidth needed to manage these tasks, allowing your staff to focus on strategic investment decisions

Data Management

Reclaim 160+ hours every month by delegating data upload tasks 

Asset managers commonly invest valuable time collecting and preparing data from third-party PMCs and internal team members due to limited staff or IT resources. To overcome this challenge, we offer our clients data management services performed by technical experts with deep platform knowledge.

With Pereview, you can stay focused on what you do best and rely on our team to collect, clean, and validate data you can trust. 


Middle Office

Middle office services give you flexibility  

Delegate the task of updating assets, legal entities, and investment transactions to Pereview’s experts. As an extension of your team, we receive and perform changes, review these modifications across assets and reports in the platform, and submit them to you for review and approvals.

Easily offload these tasks with the assurance of data integrity aligned to your expectations. 

Learn more about Pereview’s platform services

Explore how you can delegate techie tasks to our experts and get more value out of your day, every day.