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Part 2: How Pereview’s asset management platform solves common financial modeling challenges

If you’re relying on Excel alone to manage your real estate financial models, you’re playing with fire. Keep reading to learn how Pereview can enhance your workflow and end the fire drills. 

In our last post, we outlined common challenges asset managers and real estate owners face when using Excel for financial modeling. These include data inaccessibility, manual updating, and version control.  

Now let’s dive into how Pereview solves these problems by integrating with Excel and enhancing your workflow. 

Excel integration

One of the standout features of Pereview’s real estate asset management solution is its Excel integration. Instead of replacing Excel, Pereview works with it. This allows your team to continue working within the Excel environment while leveraging the power of the Pereview CRE platform’s database.  

Through this integration, users can upload and download data directly from Excel to Pereview. This eliminates the risk of human error associated with manual data entry and ensures your models are always connected to accurate, up-to-date information. 

Real-time data updates

A key benefit of this integration is real-time data updates. When you modify key assumptions, such as roof expenditures or terminal cap rates, these changes flow through your model instantly.  

Once your updates are made, the results can be uploaded back into Pereview, enabling you to run configurable reports that analyze multiple scenarios, providing deeper insights and faster decision-making. 

Push-button reporting

Pereview also shines when it comes to custom reporting. Reports such as underwriting vs. actuals or performance vs. underwriting can be generated quickly – rather than taking days or weeks – allowing asset managers and investors to see how properties are performing against their original projections.  

These reports make team meetings more productive by giving everyone access to the same data and keeping decision-making aligned. 

Business planning made easy

Finally, Pereview makes business planning faster and more efficient. By pulling data from multiple sources – including Excel models and accounting systems – Pereview reduces the time and effort spent compiling business plans, freeing your team to focus on high-value tasks. 

Now that you know how Pereview can solve these common financial modeling challenges, you may still want to know more. Be sure to read part 3 in our series where we answer common questions about financial modeling in Pereview.

Additional reading in this series

Part 1: Examining the limitation of disconnected Excel models in commercial real estate asset management

For more information on how Pereview can overcome your biggest real estate modeling challenges, schedule a quick 15-minute conversation. 

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