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How to Save 90 Percent of Time Spent on Real Estate Reporting 

How much time does your firm spend on monthly and quarterly real estate reporting? If you’re like most commercial real estate firms, the answer is simple: Too much. What if you could spend 90 percent less time doing it?

Why Real Estate Reporting Drains Time

Real estate reporting, as a process … well, frankly, it sucks. And this is not a secret.

Pulling together all of the relevant data you need for regular real estate reporting – regardless of where your individual assets are within their respective lifecycle – can be tedious chore depending on how you have your database organized. For those without a centralized database, a lot of leg work is required to collect the numbers you need.

For those of you using Excel as your primary database – you’ve got even bigger problems to tackle. 

Collecting is only part of the effort, though. Ensuring that the data you’ve collected is correct can be an even heavier lift. Make a mistake in the reconciliation and things can get hairy, quickly.

It doesn’t have to be this way, though. Regular real estate reporting woes can be solved by having the right commercial real estate software solution that covers the entire Life of the Asset®.

How to Save Time on Real Estate Reporting

Pereview by Saxony Partners is the only such solution to cover the entire lifecycle of the real estate asset, from acquisition to disposition and everything in between. Built by the core development ream from Goldman Sachs’ Archon Group, Pereview was designed for the commercial real estate investment industry, by industry experts.

Pereview makes real estate reporting simple by integrating all of your data into one central, secure, Single Source of Truth – underwriting assumptions, acquisition information, asset management data and notes, budget, actuals, and leasing information. It captures accurate data and documents at all stages throughout the life of the asset.

Users access this data through customizable Pereview dashboards. From these dashboards, you can run reports simply by pressing a button, rather than wasting time on a data treasure hunt.

One of our clients based in Texas recently adopted Pereview as their commercial real estate software solution and saw their regular reporting time slashed by 90 percent. The benefit was two-fold. Obviously, employees who would otherwise be rooting around for disparate data were free to go back to doing their jobs. Also, the firm didn’t have to keep hiring more and more support staff whenever they onboarded a new asset. After all, what’s the point of growing AUM if revenue is offset by expanding payrolls?

Are you spending hours, if not days, on regular real estate reporting? Is your firm’s AUM growth linked to headcount growth? Is your data floating around unmoored and unsecure? If so, let’s talk about how Pereview can simplify, integrate, standardize and optimize the way you do business.

Do yourself and your investors a favor and switch to the only all-in-one solution for real estate asset management.

Discover what Pereview can do for you