Data Integration: The Key to Making Real Estate Reporting Easier

Data integration is the first step in turning data from dust collector to actionable asset. A Life of the Asset® commercial real estate software solution like Pereview can put your data to work for your firm. Real Estate Reporting Challenges Increasing challenges abound for growing real estate investment firms. As the number and value of assets […]

Bad Data, Painful Real Estate Reporting, and The Life of the Asset®

What happens when the lifecycle of a real estate asset becomes wobbly? Inefficiency, risk, and headcount go up and regular real estate reporting becomes painful. The solution: get your data out of spreadsheets and into a commercial real estate software solution that manages the entire Life of the Asset®. If you’ve spent any time working […]

What Do We Mean by Excel Hell?

Did you know that most commercial real estate firms – some managing many billions of dollars worth of assets – still rely on Excel and other spreadsheet software programs to store and manage their most critical data? While Excel is an incredible tool for modeling, it was never meant to be a database. What’s where […]

How Does Data Get Dirty in the First Place?

You’re probably familiar with the term “dirty data.” But even if you are aware of how pervasive the problem is, you might have wondered, “how does data get dirty in the first place?” How Does Data Get Dirty? There are many paths to dirty data, but most common are a lack of data governance, a […]

How Does Pereview Solve Dirty Data Problems?

How do you solve dirty data problems? By integrating all your data into one place, ending the practice of Excel-as-a-database, and through integration and automation. In short, by adopting Pereview by Saxony Partners as your Life of the Asset® solution. Every (yes, every) commercial real estate asset management firm deals with dirty data. We’re talking about […]

2 Places You’re Likely to Spot Dirty Data

Let’s begin a hard truth: Where there’s data, there’s going to be dirty data. This is particularly true as it relates to commercial real estate data, where you are managing data across many stages across the lifecycle of the asset. New data is constantly entering the scene, from the investors, to the underwriters, to the […]